We keep our Team Safe, Our Job Sites Safe, and our Clients Safe!

JM ENVIRONMENTAL, INC., has an A Safety Rating.
These types of ratings come from having a dedicated leader, President John Moore, who emphasizes Safety Awareness EVERY SINGLE DAY. This results in daily habits that create positive results.
JM ENVIRONMENTAL's, Estimators and Project Managers make observations and take notes when they scope jobs, noting potential safety hazards and how to prepare our Superintendents and Field Workers to work within these hazards safely.
Asbestos is our most common safety hazard. Team JM also encounters Lead, Mold, and Bio-Hazards like sewage and body fluids. Other types of hazards we encounter include; steep roofs, holes in burned out roofs, unstable floors, operating heavy equipment and power tools, and removing heavy debris from our job sites.
OSHA Project Safety - Tail Gate Board Meetings and Hazard Analysis Meetings are conducted by Team JM Supervisors at the beginning of each shift, for Every Job Site, Every Day.
Topics we Discuss are; First Aid, Safety Responsibility, Fire Prevention, Personal Protective Equipment, Housekeeping, Vehicles and Heavy Equipment, Tools and Materials, Ladders and Scaffolding, Industrial Sanitation and Hygiene, Construction and Maintenance, Photos and Site Specific Instructions.